Alcohol, Death and lots of Money!
My great uncle passed away recently. (Bet not many blog posts start like that but it gets better, I promise!)
On Friday just gone (22nd February) I attended the first of his two funerals.
This was a small affair where only his immediate family were invited.
As we pulled up to the secluded crematorium in the heart of England, snow began to fall.
(Read into that what you will, but being extremely open minded, I will take it as more than just a coincidence.)
First, his coffin was taken in, followed by his Son, Dughter, Son-in-law and grand kids, then my mom, sister, my other half, and finally, me. A few others filed in behind.
The proceedings started and then 15 minutes or so into the service, something happened.
As the vicar proceeded to talk about my Uncle George's wonderful, well travelled, spritely 80 years on the planet that saw him start work at the same company he retired from, most people started to cry.
I'll proudly admit I shed a tear also, especially at the part where the Vicar told how Uncle George would ofen take his grandkids for a ride on his tractor (his grandson was sat directly in front of me being comforted by his dad)
She continued to talk about how he was a man of the community, always helping others, doing charity work, and living a completely selfless life.
He worked hard and for that, I assume, he earned lots of money, but I can guarantee, it was never about the money, I'm certain it was about DOING the things he loved, WITH the people he loved and FOR the people he loved.
It was at this point I said to myself: "One day that'll be you in a box, with your friends and family gathered to pay their last respects to you".
"So?" I hear you ask, "One day we'll all be in a box".
Exactly! And do you know the best thing about it?
You have the opportunity right now to decide what is said about you!
You are alive! Which means you can write your very own story RIGHT NOW!
Imagine you are up there, in the coffin and a vicar is reading your story to your friends, your family, your colleagues etc.
What would you want them to say?
Take a look at your life, is it full of laziness, alcohol, aggression towards others, anger, resentment, jealousy, negative reactions to situations, procrastination and hate.
Is it full of hard work, pro-activeness, happiness, helping others, giving back to the community, a positive attitude, a mind set that no matter what happens you know you'll make it, goals, achievements, determination, friendliness, a willingness to learn and be successful and most importantly, LOVE.
I imagine there's a few narrow minded people out there will be saying: "I'll be dead so what does it matter?"
To that, the only thing I will say is:
How far has that mind set got them? I can't imagine very far nor with many friends. I wish those people good luck for the rest of their life, why? Because they'll need it.
To the rest of you:
I challenge you to get up, get out there and live the best life you possibly can! Why? Because you deserve it!
Life is short.
Always give 100% and I promise, it WILL pay you back.
It was written somewhere once: ''As you sow, you shall reap''.
Life is one big adventure, you only get one (that we know of) so make it as prosperous, enjoyable and as happy as you can.
P.s Not many will, but to you who do, let me know how you've changed yours or someone else's life for the better by leaving a comment below or posting on my fb wall by clicking here.