23 January 2014

My crazy little life


I've just realised it's been FOREVER since I posted on here!

You see my life has just exploded into a whirlwind of busy recently,

Here's how...

In the last 7 months my business has gone from just me doing about 30 Personal Training sessions a week to this:

I now have 20 PERFECT personal training clients a week, (I've learnt that it's ok to not try to please everyone and therefore if I'm not suited to a client or visa versa for whatever reason I won't train them, simple)

I also run 3 Semi-Private personal training groups of Super motivated individuals that are part of the Matt Smith Fitness group training program that goes by various names such as 'The Body Transformation Program', 'Drop A Dress Size Program', 'Bikini Body Challenge' and whatever other name I feel like calling it.

MSF now has 2 members of staff, me and Sue (The person who I brought in to help me build the business meaning www.MattSmithFitness.co.uk can help even more people realise their potential to living hapier, more confident and fulfilling lives)

I also run an online coaching program purely for lads aged between 18 and 30 who struggle with self confidence, have failed to get results with their training in the past or need that extra bit of motivation to stay on track on a Saturday night.

And I also Coach newly qualified Personal Trainers on how to succeed in a very cut throat industry, I show them how to go from earning around £15k (average wage of a PT in the UK) a year to how to earn multiple 6 figures. If you don't think that's possible watch this.... Mr PT runs 4 x 45 minute sessions a day 3 days a week with 20 members of each group each paying £99 a month = £95,040 a year, Mr PT then builds his business and brings in 3 trainers to run 3 more locations, paying them £25k a year each (£10k more than the industry average remember) after everything, Mr PT takes home £305,160 a year or multiple 6 figures for working 9 hours a week, not bad huh?

So that's what I've been up to,

(I don't know why but I feel I should mention that I do not work weekends as that is precious family time that I spend with my extremely patient and better half Connie and my little boy Jude, whose actually 15 months old today).

That is why I've not updated this in forever!

By the way, this is just me checking in and I probably won't be back again for a while.

I do however send out bi-daily emails and if you want to receive those then here's a sample of the stuff I'm sending out via that, they're not all this self indulgent I promise


You can opt in to receive those emails by entering your deets on the left hand side of the page

For now I'm retiring to my bed with a hot cup of coco.

Oh and if you're looking for a 'message' or 'how does this help me', I haven't intentionally put one in here so if you find it let me know :)


Matt 'busy bee' Smith

PS here's 13 minutes of cats doing funny stuff (everyone loves watching that right?)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBTK3kyqyTo


9 December 2013

Why hiring a Personal Trainer in Droitwich could ruin your weight loss goals and what to do to lose weight, tone up the thighs, flatten the stomach AND ultimately regain your confidence

Hey I'm Matt Smith,

That's me on my birthday about to do some indoor skydiving!

I'm a Personal Trainer in Droitwich and I want to tell you why hiring a Personal Trainer in Droitwich could ruin your weight loss goals,

And what to do to lose weight, tone up the thighs, flatten the stomach AND ultimately;  Regain your confidence

Here's a short story about a frustrated mother who wanted to lose her baby weight and re gain her confidence.

2 years ago I had the challenge of transforming Mrs D's body to get her ready for her wedding day.

Together we did it and she looked beautiful in the wedding pictures.

18 months ago I had the challenge of helping Mrs D keep as much weight off as possible while she was pregnant with her first child.

I must add in here that Mrs D gave birth to an extremely gorgeous and healthy little boy.

Around 8 months ago I started to help Mrs D on her mission to lose the baby weight she inevitably gained while being pregnant.

But for some reason, this time it didn't work. The weight didn't shift.

Some would say it's because Mrs D was only exercising once a week,

Some would say it's because of the sleepless nights,

Others would say it's because she had no accountability to stick to the nutrition plan,

I would say it was a combination of all three and maybe even some other factors as well.

But then something amazing happened.

Mrs D started to lose her baby weight,

The inches and pounds literally started to fall off!

Mrs D also started to experience other benefits such as;

She was no longer bloated,

She had more energy,

More confidence,

And all she had done was one simple thing..

Mrs D joined a results driven group training program.

After a couple of months of not seeing results since starting back with me Personal Training

Mrs D Dropped a Dress Size in less than 30 days!

She found that having the accountability of being part of a group training program helped her stick to the nutrition plans and turn up to every 30 minute session 3 times a week for just 4 weeks.

**If you want to see Mrs D's amazing transformation pictures then click this link (it's my personal Facebook page if you wandered what it is)** ... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=552155621512179&set=pb.209613182433093.-2207520000.1386585821.&type=3&theater

To be precise Mrs D actually lost 15lbs and 13 inches in less than a month!

6 months on and Mrs D is still a dedicated and committed member of the Matt Smith Fitness family here in Droitwich.

So to sum up,

Although hiring a Personal Trainer in Droitwich could help you lose weight (I still Personally Train about 30 clients a week)

It may not be for you.

You may need that accountability of being a member of a results driven group training program,

**Note: a Bootcamp or exercise class where you can just turn up when you like that has no structured and progressive training program or doesn't offer any nutritional support ISN'T a results driven group training program.

You may need to work in a group where every member faces the same fears and frustrations as you do,

You may need the online support of a members only group for when it gets tough (because it does get tough at times which is why the members only online support group is there)

And if you're still in doubt as to whether or not a results driven group training program is for you then why not come and try it out for a week for FREE?

Just click here to apply.. https://mattsmithfitness.wufoo.com/forms/1-week-free-trial/

So there you have it,

Why hiring a Personal Trainer in Droitwich could ruin your weight loss goals and what to do to lose weight, tone up the thighs, flatten the stomach AND ultimately regain your confidence

16 November 2013

I'm quitting the fitness industry!

Today I'm going to challenge you to beat me

The competition were going to have is based on last week's events

And is titled:

I bet my problems are worse then yours!

How good does that make you feel already

The fact that Super Matt has problems too!

In fact let's rewind a bit and change the word problems for challenges.

So here's a list of the challenges I've faced this week that made me say at one point:

"I'm quitting the fitness industry"

Someone told me they question my level of expertise after witnessing me do this in a little over 3 months: 

I've had to part ways with 3 very dedicated clients

I've not seen my 1 year old son Jude for 5 days due to being out serving people from 6am-9pm

A muscle went into spasm in my shoulder which meant I couldn't do any exercise (this was of course my biggest challenge)

My trainer (yes I've got a trainer and I'll maybe go into that this week) has cut my carbohydrate intake by 10%!!!

And get this..

Someone actually called me a 4 letter word!

All of these challenges made me really contemplate my future in the fitness industry.

I told myself I'm no good and I almost acted on what I was telling myself based mostly on the opinions of others

But then something happened

I had a chat with the misses (behind every great man and all that) and she told me to get the stresses out of my life and focus on everything that is good about it

Without hesitation I did that

As soon as I switched my thinking; almost by magic, I started receiving positive comments from clients

I even got a Thank you card from the members of the Body Transformation Program! 

I've also had around 30 applications for a free strategy call with me (you can apply for that here by the way.https://mattsmithfitness.wufoo.com/forms/free-online-strategy-session/)

My shoulder pain has gone

AND my trainer has told me I can up my protein intake (this news was so good I actually high fived myself!)

Oh and I've also eliminated most, if not all, of the negative people in my life, including the lady, yes lady, who called me that 4 letter word.

The moral of the sorry is this....

You get more of what you focus on.

If you focus on being overweight, that's what you'll be,

If you focus on all the stresses and negativity in your life you'll get more of them

You'll adjust your actions to fit your thoughts and your self-talk.

What you need to do is focus on who you want to be,

Who you want around you

But most importantly you need to focus on the body you want,

Imagine the ideal shape of your body,

Imagine the ideal size of your body,

Take a look in the mirror right now and imagine you have the body you want 

Feel how it feels to have YOUR perfect body

Feel how it feels to have health and fitness levels that you want,

Focus more on that than where you are right now and I promise,

It will change the way you think, the way you act and the results that you will get

I'll teach you HOW to do all that on the other side of your free strategy call

Again you can apply for that here.. https://mattsmithfitness.wufoo.com/forms/free-online-strategy-session/

Oh and I'm not quitting the fitness industry just yet!


"Quitters never win and winners never quit"

Stay focused and I'll look forward to seeing you on that free strategy call, that link one last time https://mattsmithfitness.wufoo.com/forms/free-online-strategy-session/

Matt 'Imagine your perfect body' Smith

7 November 2013

You'll always be FAT!

It's 31 degrees,

There are half naked people everywhere,

And I'm walking round the pool with the best body in sight! 

A culmination of 12 weeks of high intensity training and a super strict diet (90% of the time) has resulted in me having THE beach body! 

                                         ***That's not me but it's a pretty good beach body right?***

Fast forward 1 week

It's now cold, wet and windy, 

I'm back in the UK after my holiday in Spain. 

And one of the first things I do is jump on the scales. 


7lbs on in just 7 days

It's a new record! 

And last night I discovered why this had happened

You'll say it was because I went in an all inclusive holiday,

You'll say it's because I didn't do any exercise

You'll also say it's because I had a full English followed by pastries and pancakes for breakfast,

A 3 course lunch,

And a 4 course dinner 


Now although all of the above is true,

That's not WHY I put on 7lbs.

What happened was my habitual instincts of 'you must do what you can to survive' kicked in,

And that's also what happens to you and every other human being on the planet when you have a CHOICE of what and how much food you put in your mouth. 

Your habitual instincts tell you to eat as much as you can.

Hence why you'll always be fat!

This goes back to our caveman days when food was scarce.

And there's not much you or me can do about that.

Seen as us humans act rationally first then try to justify logically after;

We're all fighting a very steep up hill battle when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off. 

But there's more bad news,

Your body likes to stay in its comfort zone in terms of its weight,

So when you try to change your weight in anyway, be it up or down, you will encounter even more resistance. 

The reasons for this is because your CNS (Central Nervous system) has a continuous conversation with your body fat.

As soon as your body fat levels change, alarm bells start to ring.

You see, your body fat % is controlled by two EXTREMELY important hormones.




Leptin tells you when you are full and helps you break down fat for energy

And insulin stimulates lipogenisis (takes sugar and stores it as fat).

Simply put, If you eat a diet high in foods that promote leptin levels to rise,

You will feel fuller and your body will break down fat for energy resulting in weight loss

Conversely, if you eat a diet that stimulates insulin,

 All that will happen is the majority of that food will get stored as fat.

Here's another spanner in your works:

The more you cut your calories

And the more exercise you do,

The more your body tells you to eat more to make up for this deficit.

This leads to

You 'NEEDING' to eat more.

However, with all that being said,

The good news is there are people out there with the body that you dream of

And if they can do it so can you. 

All you need is 2 things

1. The right guidance

And 2

Will power that is stronger than your habitual instincts.

Even more good news is both of those can be acquired and learned.

If you are on a weight loss mission your first port of call should be to hire a coach who not just talks the talk but also walks the walk

And if you're already doing that then my next bit of advice is to follow their recommendations at least 90% of the time.

But THE MOST important bit of advice I can give you is to set yourself a goal weight and do everything in your power to achieve that!

Get the resources you need,

Hire the trainer,

Buy the books,

Watch the DVD's

And stay focused! 

Because if you don't

You'll always be fat! 

A resource that is available to you right now is me!

I'm offering 10 FREE 1 hour Online Strategy Sessions on how you can reach your goals. 

You can apply for your FREE Online strategy session By clicking HERE

Matt 'will one day be fat' Smith

PS it's first come first serve on those 10 strategy session so get in quick!