7 November 2013

You'll always be FAT!

It's 31 degrees,

There are half naked people everywhere,

And I'm walking round the pool with the best body in sight! 

A culmination of 12 weeks of high intensity training and a super strict diet (90% of the time) has resulted in me having THE beach body! 

                                         ***That's not me but it's a pretty good beach body right?***

Fast forward 1 week

It's now cold, wet and windy, 

I'm back in the UK after my holiday in Spain. 

And one of the first things I do is jump on the scales. 


7lbs on in just 7 days

It's a new record! 

And last night I discovered why this had happened

You'll say it was because I went in an all inclusive holiday,

You'll say it's because I didn't do any exercise

You'll also say it's because I had a full English followed by pastries and pancakes for breakfast,

A 3 course lunch,

And a 4 course dinner 


Now although all of the above is true,

That's not WHY I put on 7lbs.

What happened was my habitual instincts of 'you must do what you can to survive' kicked in,

And that's also what happens to you and every other human being on the planet when you have a CHOICE of what and how much food you put in your mouth. 

Your habitual instincts tell you to eat as much as you can.

Hence why you'll always be fat!

This goes back to our caveman days when food was scarce.

And there's not much you or me can do about that.

Seen as us humans act rationally first then try to justify logically after;

We're all fighting a very steep up hill battle when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off. 

But there's more bad news,

Your body likes to stay in its comfort zone in terms of its weight,

So when you try to change your weight in anyway, be it up or down, you will encounter even more resistance. 

The reasons for this is because your CNS (Central Nervous system) has a continuous conversation with your body fat.

As soon as your body fat levels change, alarm bells start to ring.

You see, your body fat % is controlled by two EXTREMELY important hormones.




Leptin tells you when you are full and helps you break down fat for energy

And insulin stimulates lipogenisis (takes sugar and stores it as fat).

Simply put, If you eat a diet high in foods that promote leptin levels to rise,

You will feel fuller and your body will break down fat for energy resulting in weight loss

Conversely, if you eat a diet that stimulates insulin,

 All that will happen is the majority of that food will get stored as fat.

Here's another spanner in your works:

The more you cut your calories

And the more exercise you do,

The more your body tells you to eat more to make up for this deficit.

This leads to

You 'NEEDING' to eat more.

However, with all that being said,

The good news is there are people out there with the body that you dream of

And if they can do it so can you. 

All you need is 2 things

1. The right guidance

And 2

Will power that is stronger than your habitual instincts.

Even more good news is both of those can be acquired and learned.

If you are on a weight loss mission your first port of call should be to hire a coach who not just talks the talk but also walks the walk

And if you're already doing that then my next bit of advice is to follow their recommendations at least 90% of the time.

But THE MOST important bit of advice I can give you is to set yourself a goal weight and do everything in your power to achieve that!

Get the resources you need,

Hire the trainer,

Buy the books,

Watch the DVD's

And stay focused! 

Because if you don't

You'll always be fat! 

A resource that is available to you right now is me!

I'm offering 10 FREE 1 hour Online Strategy Sessions on how you can reach your goals. 

You can apply for your FREE Online strategy session By clicking HERE

Matt 'will one day be fat' Smith

PS it's first come first serve on those 10 strategy session so get in quick! 

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