20 March 2013

Here's how to stop cereal from killing your children:

Stop feeding it to them!

Thanks for reading,


Ps. I recently posted HERE a small paragraph titled: "Cereal is killing you and your children".

To which I had a reply from a good friend of mine "What's a good alternative?"

Followed by a reply from one of my clients "How about a post on healthy alternatives".

Ergo, here we are; a post on healthy and efficient alternatives to cereal.

But first a little bit about cereal.

It's shit!

That's enough about cereal, purely because that about all the attention it deserves!

Why? Take a look at this:

It's a food label taken from the Kellogg's website for coco pops.

If your feeding your children this then you're setting them up for a whole host of health problems in the future including: obesity, diabetes, ADHD, heart disease, strokes, the list goes on.

Really? I hear you ask.


Take a look at the sugar section ^

11g per 30g serving!

If you're no good at Maths that equates to more that one third sugar!


And as sugar, not fat, is responsible for most, if not all, of the aforementioned health problems, I think that's enough reason to stop buying anything with a cartoon animal on the front of the box don't you?

So now you've cut out cereal, what else is there to eat that's healthy, nutritious, tasty, and easy to make?

How about eggs and soldiers? Remember having those as a kid?

All you need is a pot of boiling water, 3 eggs per person, yes you can have them too, and some wheat and gluten free bread.oh and be sure to use butter instead of margarine!

What about poached salmon and asparagus?

Again, takes 4 minutes to make, is packed full of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and cell building protein.

For breakfast?

Yes for breakfast!

What do you think a bear does for his breakfast?

I've never seen a bear with diabetes, have you?

Ok so if you are a bit fussy, not willing to make big changes to promote huge health benefits for you and your children then how about good old steel cut porridge oats?

Mix with water and cinnamon to really keep those blood sugar levels stable.

Another good choice is natural yoghurt with some nuts and berries thrown in.

But the most amazing, healthy, nutrient packed breakfast available to everyone is good old steak and Brazil nuts!


Healthy fats and protein are what make up most of this meal, which means you nor your precious little soldiers and princesses ( I have a precious little soldier of my own) will get a spike in blood sugar followed by a crash which subsequently will lead to binge eating (studies have proved this time and time again).

The only result from starting the day like this:

Healthy, happy, non obese children!

Now tell me you don't want that for your loved ones, if not yourself.

But I don't have time for all that?

Well my friends, if you can't get out of bed 6 minutes earlier, which is the extra time you'll need to cook any of the above meals, for the sake of your children's health then I'm afraid you need more help than just reading a blog post like this.

Matt 'looking after the health of the children who can't make their own choices' Smith

Pps don't get me started on 'treating them to a McDonald's now and again won't hurt'..


  1. Blog's looking good dude. Keep up the good work.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. When you get a compliment like that from a blogging king like Smiler you gotta be grateful!
