22 August 2013

How my moustache can get you losing weight...

I've noticed recently that there's some sort of facial hair fashion sweeping across the UK. 

I'm sure you've seen it going on.. 

There's some pretty impressive designs out there! 

And it would be fair to say that I've always wanted to see what I would look like if I just 'let it grow'.

Now the beauty of being your own boss is no one to tell you how to walk, talk, dress, act or what to wear.

So, within reason, I can do and wear what I like, act how I like, speak how I like and basically be who I want to be! 

I'm not saying that to try and impress you or show off. 

I'm saying that because it means I can now attempt to grow a beard without a boss telling me I have to be clean shaven for work. 

Problem is, my face hasn't realised I hit puberty about 15 years ago! 

What has appeared on my face can in no way be described as a beard! 

It's a kind of fluffy trail along my upper lip and that's about as far as it goes. 

My friends tell me I look ridiculous and I need to give up my quest.

The physio at my gym tells me I look like some king of shoddy Poirot impersonator!

Even my misses thinks I should quit and get rid of it!

And I'm sure if you've seen me recently you'll probably think the same. 

However, and this is the reason for me writing this... 

I'm going to keep growing it! 


Because I set a goal and I'm not going to stop until deadline day (the day I go on holiday)!

So how does this help you with your fat loss goals? 

You've probably guessed what I'm about to say but I'll say it anyway. ... 

Don't stop until you reach your goals! 

And if you've already started on that quest for a fitter, healthier, sexier, more confident body then why not give it 100% of your energy and focus?

The people out there with great bodies haven't got great genetics (well some of them might have) and it's not 'easy for them' because they're in great shape already.

They've got great bodies because they've worked bloody hard to get them!

The difference between winners and losers can be summed up in 8 words...

''Winners are prepared to do what losers aren't''.

In fact that quote is so Important you're going to read it again..


Now I know you're a winner because you're reading this!

And I also know you can get that dream body,

Question is....

Are you willing to admit it to yourself?

Are you willing to admit it to your friends when they say: 'Why are you not drinking tonight'?

Or to your other half who tells you: ''Exercise is silly and you should just give up and go back to eating crap''.

Be defiant,

Be determined,

Be strong,

Remember your goals,

And I promise...

You will get that body you deserve!

If you wan't it of course.

Matt 'Poirot' Smith

PS. This weekend is your last chance to get on the September Body Transformation Program if you haven't already signed up. If you have, then get ready to see some really impressive fat loss and health improving results! 

PPS. To register just send an email to info@mattsmithfitness.co.uk 


  1. That's quality Matt! My physio recently told me that following my well-documented serious spinal problems, most people would have ended up in a wheelchair. The difference between me and most people is that I CHOSE NOT TO BE A LOSER, ICHOSE INSTEAD TO BE A WINNER! Once I COMMITTED TO TAKE ACTION it was a case of who could help me on that journey of transformation. I'm so glad that I chose you to guide me, to push me on some of the difficult days - and my physio can't believe how far I've come. You and I know however that no matter how good you are, it's a wasted effort if your client does not commit to goals - and by that I mean that they don't 'try' to achieve them, they simply 'DECIDE' to achieve them. Once that decision is firmly made, that's when they get the real benefits of working with you.

    1. Very kind words Wayne. I couldn't of put it better myself so will quote you instead..

      ''it's a wasted effort if your client does not commit to goals - and by that I mean that they don't 'try' to achieve them, they simply 'DECIDE' to achieve them''.
