13 August 2013

How to get a body like Beyoncé


How to get a body like Beyoncé..

Yesterday I had a question from one of my many hard working clients,

It went something like this.....

''Why are you making me drink water, lemon juice and cayenne pepper?''

I gave her the answer but I thought I'd also write this post so YOU knew why I include it into most of my client's programs..

I often say to people;

''If you want to be good at something; just copy what's working for others, 

Success leaves clues,

And there's no point in trying to reinvent the wheel''. 

Now you may or may not remember, but Beyoncé Knowles went on a crazy detox weight loss plan for her role in Dream Girls.

(If you click the link don't forget to come back)

(Watched it? Great, here's the sciency bit..)

The diet Beyoncé went on pretty much solely consisted of the aforementioned beverage along with some maple syrup for energy and a few other herbs and spices.

I heard a rumour that Beyoncé stayed on that diet for 11 weeks but I may be wrong?

And although I would NEVER recommend anyone go on such a drastic diet..

I still believe we can take something from the reasons why The Queen of the music world would choose such ingredients, 

The following is taken from the Livestrong website to which the link can be found at the bottom of this Post:

''According to the experts at the Mayo Clinic, it is best to drink water with and between every meal, as well as before, during and after exercising. That's a lot of water, and many people get tired of the plain taste. One of the most popular ways to spice up your daily water intake is by adding lemon and cayenne pepper to it. Drinking lemon water is a long established folk remedy for weight loss and detox. Adding cayenne pepper to water also has proven health benefits.


Drinking enough water is important to keep you hydrated so that your organs and systems function properly. It is also important for your looks, as some of the signs of dehydration are sagging, drawn skin and brittle hair and nails. According to the Mayo Clinic, there is no one perfect formula for deciding how much water you need, but the basic 2-3 litres a day is a good rule of thumb. 


Lemon juice contains high levels of potassium and vitamin C. A strong antioxidant, lemon juice is also a mild diuretic, so adding lemons to your drinking water can help support your liver and kidneys in their natural job of flushing out toxins.

Cayenne Pepper

The substance in cayenne pepper that gives it the spicy flavor is called capsaicin, which has been proven effective against pain. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, capsaicin is an ingredient found in over-the-counter topical medicines for arthritis and shingles. When taken orally, capsaicin is also known for its ability to temporarily raise body temperature and regulate blood sugar''.  (That's the secret to fat loss right there!!).''

So what are you waiting for?

Go grab that glass,

Fill it with water,

Squeeze in the juice of half a lemon,

Sprinkle in some cayenne pepper,                           

And get that 'Body like Beyoncé!'

Just don't do what my sister did a few weeks ago...

She tossed a heaped teaspoon of cayenne pepper into the glass and downed it.

I think her mouth is still burning and the worlds supply of yogurt is slowly running out!! 

1/10 of a teaspoon should just about do it! 

Matt 'Body like Beyonce' Smith

PS. Check out my fb page for daily tips on how to achieve that dream body, just click HERE

The full article from the above can be found here

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